Environmental Services

Who it's For

Environmental Service Worker

What it is

This web­site pro­vides secure access to micro-learn­ing resources for Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vice (EVS) Work­ers. Divid­ed into sev­en mod­ules, each sec­tion offers visu­al­ly appeal­ing hands-on activ­i­ties and mul­ti­lin­gual Stan­dard of Prac­tices videos (Eng­lish, Pun­jabi, Sim­pli­fied Chi­nese, Fil­ipino, Span­ish). The mul­ti­me­dia learn­ing pack­ages (SCORM) are inte­grat­ed so that they open direct­ly with­in the web­site with­out a need to log into an LMS.